If you’ve been following our last post – you’ll know that we have been releasing MEAP (Manning Early Access Preview) updates every couple of weeks. We’ve only got 2 chapters left to finish edits on so stay tuned for more updates to our progress on NativeScript in Action!
Chapter 12 Released
The lasted update to MEAP is Chapter 12, titled Deploying an Android App. In this chapter we walk though the process of taking the Pet Scrapbook app that we created over the last several chapters and prepare it for deployment to the Google Play store. Deploying to the Google Play store involves several steps such as customizing the app icon, versioning, app naming, and creating a release build.
What’s Next?
In our last announcement, we talked about incorporating Angular into NativeScript in Action. Don’t worry we’re still doing this, however, you’ll have to wait a couple more MEAP updates to get the first chapter on Angular. In our next MEAP update (coming in approximately 2 weeks), we’ll be walking through deploying the iOS version of the Pet Scrapbook app to the Apple App Store.
Keep on the lookout for the next NativeScript in Action update coming in the next couple of weeks. If you’re interested in picking up NativeScript in Action right now then you can use the code 39branstein to save 39%!