I’ve been working on an app to monitor the weather at a farm recently, and I wanted to hide the iOS status bar because it looks like it’s in the way:
See? Doesn’t it look out of place?
Hiding the iOS status bar in a NativeScript app
This is a quick tip that I always have to lookup, so I decided to put it here so I’d always know where to look.
To hide the iOS status bar in a NativeScript app, add the UIStatusBarHidden and UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance key/value pairs to the Info.plist file. Set UIStatusBarHidden to true, and UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to false:
When the app reloads, the status bar is hidden:
And just for the heck of it, would be nice to have an example of hiding it on Android as well.
how to recall the status bar with a gesture on ios??