Code PaLOUsa 2017 I’ve been going to Code PaLOUsa for the past five or six years now and had the chance to speak there several years as well. Chances are you may not even know what Code PaLOUsa is, well it’s “software development madness” just like says! Code PaLOUsa is a yearly developer conference in Louisville, KY. If you missed this…
Category: Development
NativeScript in Action Update – All Chapters
I’m pleased to announce that with the last MEAP update to NativeScript in Action all the remaining chapters were released! It’s been a long road over the last year but we’re finally done with all the chapters and can now share them with everyone. This last MEAP update was a large update and included chapters 13 through 17 which I’ve outlined briefly…
NativeScript in Action Update – Chapter 12
If you’ve been following our last post – you’ll know that we have been releasing MEAP (Manning Early Access Preview) updates every couple of weeks. We’ve only got 2 chapters left to finish edits on so stay tuned for more updates to our progress on NativeScript in Action! Chapter 12 Released The lasted update to MEAP is Chapter 12, titled Deploying an Android App. In this…
NativeScript in Action Update
We’re excited to share some important updates to our progress on NativeScript in Action. To start off, we’re nearly finished! We’re working through updates and edits on the last three chapters, and will be releasing MEAP (Manning Early Access Preview) updates every couple of weeks. Chapter 11 Released Our second announcement is that chapter 11 has been released to MEAP! Chapter 11, titled Refining…
Chat with Nick Branstein and TJ VanToll on NativeScript in Action
Last week, Nick and I spoke with TJ VanToll about NativeScript in Action, our new book from Manning Press. If you’ve ever been interested in what it takes to write a technical book, take a look. It’s a short 15-minute video.
Understanding the Basics of NativeScript App Layouts
This article was excerpted from NativeScript in Action. Understanding NativeScript layouts Creating pages for your app and navigating between them isn’t enough to make a good app. Mobile app development is also about creating compelling user experiences to accomplish a purpose. This means you need to present and organize your UI in different ways, depending upon what the users of…
What NativeScript Means to Mobile Development
What NativeScript Means to Mobile Development Many moons ago we were in the pre-iPhone era. For those of you reading this who remember, we were carrying around our Windows 6 mobile phones and geeking out over the latest Samsung Blackjack. There were fewer platforms and devices back then. Nowadays, new devices come out monthly. The increasingly frequent rate that devices…
js13kgames 2016
It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post; not that I haven’t wanted but working on NativeScript in Action has definitely kept me more than busy. In my extra spare time I made sure I was able to participated in js13kgames 2016. js13kgames 2016 If you aren’t familiar with js13kgames it is a yearly competition to create a…
Disable SoftAP in Windows 10 IoT Core with PowerShell
This post is the seventh of a series describing our automation efforts for provisioning Windows 10 IoT Core on a Raspberry Pi. To recap, KiZAN has a lab of 26 Raspberry Pi 2 boards running Windows 10 IoT Core. On a regular basis, we need to re-flash, provision, and configure the boards. When we perform the re-flash and provisioning process,…
Install Wifi Drivers in Windows 10 IoT Core with PowerShell
This post is the third of a series describing our automation efforts for provisioning Windows 10 IoT core on a Raspberry Pi. To recap, KiZAN has a lab of 26 Raspberry Pi 2 boards running Windows 10 IoT core. On a regular basis, we need to re-flash, provision, and configure the boards. When we perform the re-flash and provisioning process,…