
Developers, Technology Evangelists, Bros.

Tag: nativescript app

NativeScript Playground

Yesterday Mike and I had the privilege of giving a half-day workshop at Code PaLOUsa 2018. If you’re not familiar with Code PaLOUsa it’s “Software Development Madness” right here in Louisville, KY. Mike and I spoke about rapidly prototyping mobile apps using NativeScript and Angular where we created a SpaceX mobile app in a few hours. So how does one rapidly…


NativeScript in Action Update – All Chapters

I’m pleased to announce that with the last MEAP update to NativeScript in Action all the remaining chapters were released! It’s been a long road over the last year but we’re finally done with all the chapters and can now share them with everyone. This last MEAP update was a large update and included chapters 13 through 17 which I’ve outlined briefly…


NativeScript in Action Update – Chapter 12

If you’ve been following our last post – you’ll know that we have been releasing MEAP (Manning Early Access Preview) updates every couple of weeks. We’ve only got 2 chapters left to finish edits on so stay tuned for more updates to our progress on NativeScript in Action! Chapter 12 Released The lasted update to MEAP is Chapter 12, titled Deploying an Android App. In this…


Understanding the Basics of NativeScript App Layouts

This article was excerpted from NativeScript in Action. Understanding NativeScript layouts Creating pages for your app and navigating between them isn’t enough to make a good app. Mobile app development is also about creating compelling user experiences to accomplish a purpose. This means you need to present and organize your UI in different ways, depending upon what the users of…


NativeScript Tweet Bot

I’ve spent the last month building workshop and presentation content for Music City Code, held in Nashville, TN. I spoke about NativeScript throughout the conference, met a ton of new friends, and had fun building apps, and automated products. One of the products of my preparations is a cool side project I call the NativeScript tweet bot. 6 Minute Mobile Apps…


Resizing Images for a NativeScript App

I recently posted about a small weekend project with my sons: building an iOS soundboard app using NativeScript and a text-to-speech engine. In this post, I wanted to dive a bit deeper into resizing images for a NativeScript App, and how I went about integrating static images into my app. Using XML and CSS to Add Images to your App In my app,…
